Featured Contests

Artists are invited to participate in these art contests, which are currently open for submissions.

Pixar disney boarding school student

Contest by: FaanksEntries: 12
Islamic boarding school student in his twenties, dressed in black clothes, a sarong, and wearing a black cap, working in the rice field with his pet bird. Islamic boarding school student in his twenties, working in the rice field with his pet bird. Disney Pixar  Islamic boarding school student in his twenties, standing at the edge of a rice paddy An Islamic boarding school student wearing black clothes, sarong, wearing a black cap, while smoking on the edge of a rice field. Pixar Disney : An Islamic boarding school student wearing black clothes, sarong, wearing a black cap, while smoking on the edge of a rice field. Wallpaper Pixar Disney : An Islamic boarding school student wearing black clothes, sarong, wearing a black cap, while smoking on the edge of a rice field. Wallpaper

Create a striking mascot logo

Contest by: GuestEntries: 8
Wolf Mascot Logo, Teal Eyes Arctic Wolfpack, snarling, with piercing teal eyes, against a pristine white backdrop. Arctic wolf mascot logo in a more aggressive and snarling style, depicted using sharp, angular geometric shapes in an abstract and artistic approach. A pack of Arctic wolves, depicted in an aggressive and snarling style using geometric shapes, set against a white background. Arctic wolf in an aggressive and snarling style, depicted using sharp, angular geometric shapes. Arctic wolf in an aggressive and snarling style, depicted using sharp, angular geometric shapes.

Moroccan Theme

Contest by: MoroccanEntries: 20
Moroccan-themed gaming avatar incorporating a tiger and the Moroccan flag. Moroccan-themed gaming avatar with mystical elements, focusing on enigmatic eyes. Moroccan-themed gaming avatar, featuring mystical elements. Moroccan culture from the 17th century Celebration in Moroccan culture Gaming avatar inspired by Moroccan culture.

Girl who loves computer science and bunnies

Contest by: GuestEntries: 6
A girl who loves computer science and bunnies. A girl who loves computer science and bunnies. A girl who loves computer science and bunnies. A girl who loves computer science and bunnies. a girl who loves computer science and bunnies a girl who loves computer science and bunnies
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